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Tuition and Fee Schedule 2024 - 2025

Preschool, Pre-3 (half days, MWF)$3,310   
     PK5D (half days, M-F)$4,620  
     PK5D (full days, M-F)$5,925  
Kindergarten - 6th grade$6,945  
7th - 12th grade$8,340 
Homeschool, per class, per semester$575 Per Class 

Fees for New Students

  • $75 per student application fee (this is a one-time fee due when the application is submitted)
  • $200 per new student enrollment fee

Tuition Notes

  • When determining discounts, the oldest child is considered "1st in Family", the second oldest is considered "2nd in Family", etc.
  • There is no multi-child discount for preschool, pre-kindergarten, or homeschool students.
  • High school tuition includes a $40 non-refundable missions fee; this fee is not subject to any discounts. Other costs may be incurred for missions and announced later during the school year.
  • Tuition for grades K-12 includes a $100 non-refundable technology fee. This fee is not subject to any discounts.

Payment Options

There are four payment options available through FACTS Tuition Management:
  • Single Payment – To be paid in full by July 1
  • Two-Payments – One-half of tuition is due by July 1; Balance due on or before December 1. $25 FACTS fee applies
  • Monthly Payments 10-month – Available only through automatic withdrawal.  Payments will begin in July and end in April.  Payment dates can be scheduled on the following dates:  5th, 15th, 20th, 25th. $55 FACTS fee applies
  • Monthly Payments 12-month – Available only through automatic withdrawal.  Payments will begin in May and end in April.  Payment dates can be scheduled on the following dates:  5th, 15th, 20th, 25th. $55 FACTS fee applies

Tuition Discounts Available

The discounts below are available for the 2023-2024 & 2024-2025 school year:


Families with more than one student enrolled in Kindergarten — 12th grade are eligible for a multi-child discount as follows: 2nd in family: 10%; all other students in family: 20%


A 50% tuition discount is offered to those whose main source of income is from employment as a full-time minister at a church.

We must receive a letter, on church letterhead, from the lead minister of your church stating your title and verifying that you are employed as a full-time minister.  If you are the lead minister, the letter must be signed by a church elder or deacon.  This should be sent to the school, attention: Molly Creswell.

There is only one ministerial discount allowed per family, even if both parents are employed as a full-time minister.


Tuition Assistance is based on financial need and available through an application process.
You must complete the application process for at least one of the students you plan to attend NHCA (application fees apply) to be eligible to apply for tuition assistance.
There is a $40 application fee to apply for tuition assistance.
The tuition assistance award will not be more than 50%.
After completing the NHCA application process, please email the NHCA Business Office for instructions regarding applying for tuition assistance. 


This discount information is for the 2024-2025 school year.  NHCA reserves the right to alter or discontinue any available discount.  Final interpretations of eligible discounts are at the sole discretion of NHCA.

The discounts apply only to tuition and only to full-time students in Kindergarten — 12th grade, and do not include any fees, including, but not limited to, re-enrollment, technology, or missions.

In the event that you are eligible for multiple discounts, the Multi-Child discount will be applied first and all other discounts will be computed on the balance due.  

If you enroll after school starts or withdraw before the school year ends, the discount will be prorated based on the amount of tuition that is actually owed.

There is no cash value to any discount.  

If you have questions, please email the NHCA Business Office.


Enrollment Referral Credit

We are aware that a portion of our growth in student enrollment is due to current NHCA families sharing their enthusiasm for their school with family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, fellow church members, and others. In an effort to encourage this type of activity, we are pleased to offer a program to increase enrollment and reward existing families for their efforts in promoting NHCA. How does the program work? Any existing family whose promotional and referral efforts result in a new family registering for and attending NHCA will receive a one-time tuition credit equal to $150.


1.)  A parent from the referring family must introduce the prospective family to the school Superintendent, or his administrative assistant, to discuss the possible enrollment of the new family's children. The prospective family must have had no previous contact with the school regarding information about enrollment. The new family recruited will need to qualify and meet all existing admissions requirements. The new family must attend NHCA for the balance of the school year. 

 2.) The tuition credit for the referring family will be applied to their tuition bill at the end of the first semester. If the referring family's tuition is already fully paid, the credit will be applied to the following year's tuition. All financial accounts for both families must be current at the time of credit. The credit cannot be applied to any other family accounts (lunch, child care, etc.). 

Enrollments after the start of the school year will result in the incentive credit being prorated. 

 3.) This recruiting incentive can be earned by any family, even if they are receiving other tuition reductions and/or financial aid.  However, the amount of the tuition assistance plus the referral credit cannot exceed the amount of the annual tuition. 

4.) The tuition credit has no cash value. 

5.) The school administration reserves the right to interpret any aspect of the program, including issues or scenarios that are not specifically covered in this document. The school reserves the right to modify or discontinue this program without notice.